9.1. Comet Page Guide
9.2. Whether the Comet Hale-Bopp is Opening the Gate to the Forthcoming Decade?
9.3. The Heavenly Colleagues and their Earthly Pursuits, or Whether this is Uranus for Whom the Battlefield is Prepared?
9.4. Non-Planetary Mundane Factors of Influence in 2001
9.5. The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp the Magic Spectacles for Seeing the Mosaic of the Mundane Trends?
9.6. An Astrological Background of the Acute World Trends
9.7. Summary: Tracing of the comet Hale-Bopp and its successors' effects over the period of 1999 2006



Год 7 затмений, фокусы кометы Хэйла-Боппа и точка бифуркации календаря Майя (In Russian)
Сергей Смеляков, 20 декабря 2010 г.

Прогноз резонансных эпох на 2011 г. и их факторов воздействия, отражающих влияние кометы Хэйла-Боппа, Затмений и точки бифуркации ВР17 Аурической спирали времени (Золотого сечения календаря Майя)

The year of 7 Eclipses that follow the comet Hale-Bopp Foci and Mayan calendar Bifurcation point
By Sergey Smelyakov; December 20, 2010

The resonance epochs for 2011 and their factors of influence which are engendered by the comet Hale Bopp, Eclipses and Bifurcation Point BP17 of the Auric Spiral of Time (Golden section partitioning of the Mayan calendar)

Спираль времени и влияние комет в эпоху Великого Небесного Соединения (In Russian)
Сергей Смеляков, Ян Викеринк, 20 мая 2010

Рассматриваются фоновые влияния эволюционного характера и то, как они резонируют с фокусами кометы Хэйла-Боппа. Приведена статистика событий, подтверждающая концентрацию событий на весенних фокусах, и прогноз проявления резонансов на ближайшие месяцы.

Spiral of time and comets in the era of Great Celestial Conjunction
by Sergey Smelyakov, Jan Wicherink, May 20, 2010

A series of background evolutional sources of influence is considered which come to resonance with the Foci of the comet Hale-Bopp. The effects of these resonances are illustrated by a statistics of extremal events pertaining to Natural calamities (Earthquakes, etc.), technosphere (air crashes, etc.) and society (acts of terrorism, crazy shooters, etc.). On this ground a Forecast is presented for the forthcoming months.

Comet Hale-Bopp’s Foci: the Hidden Schedule of World Disasters
By Sergey Smelyakov, Jan Wicherink, April 24 2009

A statistics pertaining to Space influence (asteroids, etc.), Natural calamities (Earthquakes, etc.) and extremal events in technosphere (crashes, explosions, etc.) and society (acts of terrorism, crazy shooters, etc.) is presented for the Spring Foci of comets Lulin and Hale-Bopp, which certifies the effectiveness of these Foci and Bifurcation Point BP15 of the Infinite Auric Spiral of Time.

This article will be published in May 2009 in the free online digital Indian astrology magazine Saptarishis Astrology

Whether Comet Lulin would Energize the Foci of Comet Hale-Bopp?
By Sergey Smelyakov. February 14, 2009

In continuation of the previous article (The Comet Hale-Bopp Foci as the Resonance Points …) it is shown how and when the comet Lulin may energize the manifestations of the comet Hale-Bopp Foci and, on this ground, even to show itself at the last week of February

The Comet Hale-Bopp Foci as the Resonance Points of the Chronicle of World Disasters
By Sergey Smelyakov. January 27, 2009

By the example of the world financial crisis, Israeli invasion in Gaza, European gas crisis and other events of extremal nature it is shown that the comet Hale-Bopp Foci are still effectual – probably since they came to resonance with the critical points of Mayan Calendar at the age of the Great Celestial Conjunction. If so, in the vicinity of March 20, 2009, at the Golden Section Spiral bifurcation point of Mayan Calendar, the manifestations of this resonance could be intensified still more, climatic effects included.


ARTICLES (The respective Site Reference is given in brackets)
1. [41] Smelyakov S. Whether the Comet Hale-Bopp is Opening the Gate to the Forthcoming Decade? Kharkov: Ukr-Sib AB-Center, 1997. 28 p. Also available at http://www.isarastrology.com.
2. [75] Smelyakov S. The Heavenly Colleagues and their Earthly Pursuits, or Whether this is Uranus for Whom the Battlefield is Prepared? Kharkov: Ukr-Sib AB-Center, 1998. 32 p.
3. [83] Smelyakov S. Non-Planetary Mundane Factors of Influence in 2001.- The International Astrologer.- Vol. XXIX, N. 4.- P.48-49.
4. [85] Smelyakov S. The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp the Magic Spectacles for Seeing the Mosaic of the Mundane Trends? May 2, 2001 www.isarastrology.com
5. [42] Smelyakov S. An Astrological Background of the Acute World Trends. France: C.U.R.A., 2002 http://cura.free.fr//xx/18smelya.html
6. Summary: Tracing of the comet Hale-Bopp and its successors' effects over the period of 1999 2006 Collection of e-letters to the Weekly Ezine "International ISAR Email Letters: Volumes 45, 63, 72, 73, 74, 84, etc. http://www.isar.demon.nl/page000.htm
7. [82] Smelyakov S. Comet Hale-Bopp, Solar Activity & Great Conjunction // Rйalta, Vol. 6 (May 2000), No. 2. P. 25 29.
8. [84] Smelyakov S. An Astrological Roots and Forecasting of Some Acute World Trends for the Current Epoch. 2002 http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/sme.htm
9. [40] Physical Background of the cometary Effects: J.M. McCanney. Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes. Minnesota, 1980 2002. http://www.jmccanneyscience.com


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